Saturday, August 6, 2011


I found this enchanting oil painting at an estate sale in a modest home in east Dallas.  It is by deceased Dallas artist Helen Cuthbertson. Apparently there is more of her work around town, most it seems found at estate sales! I hung this piece above our bath towels(as shown in last photo), as my husband said, we can pretend they are beach towels. I do love contemporary art especially when it still warms your heart! We will have this piece for a long, long time!. Cost $75 whole dollars!~Tracy


  1. Tracy, thanks for letting me know about this post. Wow, what a find, love this as much as the one I bought. They both are surely of the Galveston area in that they are so much alike. If you have any interest in seeing a photo of the other one I bought, email me at Thanks for keeping in touch. Maybe we'll run into each other at a sale one of these days!

  2. Hi Ladies!
    My wife and I found another one of Helen Cuthbertson's paintings at a Goodwill in Austin. It's called, "Island Magic" and is very pretty but has a horrible frame. We'd definitely be interested in finding out more about this artist. Please share if you find anything else about her!

  3. Would you be willing to sell your Cuthbertson beach painting?

  4. As I clean out my late mother's home in Dallas, I stopped to research a painting that has graced many a family gathering in her dining area and found it is a work by Helen Cumbertson. I will take and send a photo if I can figure out how.
